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Install CLI

There are a few different ways to install the rbxcloud CLI.

Aftman (Preferred)

Run the aftman add command within your project directory. This will add rbxcloud to the project's aftman.toml file (or create one if it doesn't yet exist).

$ aftman add Sleitnick/rbxcloud@0.10.0

Next, run aftman install to install rbxcloud.


Add rbxcloud under the [tools] section of your foreman.toml file.

# foreman.toml
rbxcloud = { github = "Sleitnick/rbxcloud", version = "0.10.0" }

Next, run foreman install to install rbxcloud.


Aftman is preferred over Foreman. For more information, see the Aftman GitHub repository.


A few prebuilt binaries are compiled and attached to each release.

  1. Go to the releases page
  2. Navigate to the desired version (e.g. the latest version)
  3. Download and unzip the desired executable
  4. Relocate the executable to a more permanent place
  5. Change your OS path variable to point to the executable


Run the tool with the --version flag to verify the installation succeeded.

$ rbxcloud --version