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In some scenarios, it is useful to override the default AGF behavior on modules, such as preventing the framework from invoking Start or Init. This can be done by creating a .settings ModuleScript alongside the service, controller, or module.

Settings Module

For instance, if there is a controller named MyController, its accompanying settings file would be named MyController.settings.

Each settings file should return a table like shown:

return {
    Order = 1000;
    PreventInit = false;
    PreventStart = false;
    Standalone = false;

The fields above are defined as such:

Field Default Description
Order 1000 The Init execution order for services and controllers
PreventInit false Will prevent calling Init on any module with this field as true (does not apply to services/controllers)
PreventStart false Will prevent calling Start on any module with this field as true (does not apply to services/controllers)
Standalone false Will treat a module as a plain standalone module and won't inject any AGF information (useful for third-party modules)


Each field is optional. If the field is not provided, or if no .settings module is found, then the default values will be used instead.

Third-Party Modules

When using third-party modules within AGF, it is recommended to use Standalone mode. To do this, make an accompanying .settings file (e.g. DataStore2.settings or Roact.settings) with the following configuration:

return {Standalone = true}



The execution order for Init within services and controllers. By default, this is set to 1000. This number is simply utilized to sort the services/controllers before invoking each Init method, so any valid number within Lua can be used. In most scenarios, the execution order will not matter and this setting can be ignored. In some other edge-cases, it's crucial for certain modules to be initialized before others. In such edge-cases, this setting should be used to guarantee order.


This flag will allow the Init method to be skipped within modules. This will not work for services or controllers. The purpose of this flag is to allow third-party modules to tie into AGF that might already have an Init method for other purposes. This value should be either true or false. The default value is false.


This flag will allow the Start method to be skipped within modules. This will not work for services or controllers. The purpose of this flag is to allow third-party modules to tie into AGF that might already have an Start method for other purposes. This value should be either true or false. The default value is false.


This flag will prevent AGF from wrapping the module with the AGF metatable. This should be used when using third-party modules such as DataStore2 and Roact.