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Getting Started

The Observers package can be acquired using Wally, a package manager for Roblox. Alternatively, the @rbxts/observers package is available on npm for developers using roblox-ts.

Wally Configuration

Once Wally is installed, run wally init on your project directory, and then add the various utility modules found here as dependencies. For example, the following could be a wally.toml file for a project that includes a few of these modules:

name = "your_name/your_project"
version = "0.1.0"
registry = ""
realm = "shared"

Observers = "sleitnick/observers@^0.3.3"

To install, run wally install within your project. Wally will create a Package folder in your directory with the installed dependency.

Rojo Configuration

The Package folder created by Wally should be synced into Roblox Studio through your Rojo configuration. For instance, a Rojo configuration might have the following entry to sync the Packages folder into ReplicatedStorage:

"name": "rbx-util-example",
"tree": {
"$className": "DataModel",
"ReplicatedStorage": {
"$className": "ReplicatedStorage",
"Packages": {
"$path": "Packages"

Usage Example

The Observers module can now be used in scripts, such as the following:

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local Observers = require(ReplicatedStorage.Packages.Observers)

Observers.observeTag("SomeTag", function(instance: Instance)
print(`Observing {instance}`)
return function()
print(`Stopped observing {instance}`)


For developers using roblox-ts, install the @rbxts/observers package.

npm i --save @rbxts/observers