The StringUtil module provides utility functions for Lua strings.
Trim(String str)
Trims whitespace from the start and end of the string.
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TrimStart(String str)
The same as Trim, but only trims the start of the string.
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TrimEnd(String str)
The same as Trim, but only trims the end of the string.
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EqualsIgnoreCase(String str, String compare)
Checks if two strings are equal, but ignores their case.
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RemoveWhitespace(String str)
Removes all whitespace from a string.
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RemoveExcessWhitespace(String str)
Replaces all whitespace with a single space. This does not trim the string.
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EndsWith(String str, String endsWith)
Checks if a string ends with a certain string.
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StartsWith(String str, String startsWith)
Checks if a string starts with a certain string.
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Contains(String str, String contains)
Checks if a string contains another string.
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ToCharArray(String str)
Returns a table of all the characters in the string.
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ToByteArray(String str)
Returns a table of all the bytes of each character in the string.
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ByteArrayToString(Table bytes)
Transforms an array of bytes into a string.
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ToCamelCase(String str)
Returns a string in camelCase.
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ToPascalCase(String str)
Returns a string in PascalCase.
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ToSnakeCase(String str [, uppercase])
Returns a string in snake_case or SNAKE_CASE.
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ToKebabCase(String str [, uppercase])
Returns a string in kebab-case or KEBAB-CASE.
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Escapes a string from pattern characters. In other words, it prefixes any special pattern characters with a %. For example, the dollar sign $ would become %$. See the example below.
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Creates a StringBuilder object that can be used to build a string. This is useful when a large string needs to be concatenated. Traditional concatenation of a string using ".." can be a performance issue, and thus StringBuilders can be used to store the pieces of the string in a table and then concatenate them all at once.
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